Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Everyman-a Medieval Play Review - 2976 Words

A Review of â€Å"The Summoning of Everyman† Summary Everyman is a play which was written to express the importance of morality, to whoever read it or experienced it being performed on stage. Some scholars say that it was written sometime in the late 1400’s, while others insist that it is a translation of a Flemish work called â€Å"Elckerlijc†, which was written by Peter van Diest in 1495. Everyman is an allegory play which is heavily based upon Christian religious perspectives; also it is resoundingly similar to the Christian belief of the resurrection of Christ, and his ascension into Heaven, after the crucifixion. The first act of Everyman, opens with a prologue which takes on the form of a†¦show more content†¦This play has received a moderate amount of popularity over the past near 500 years; and now today there are some scholars and researchers whom are exceptionally critical, both positively and negatively, of the details as to how it was written. One criticism of note would have to be one which was voiced by Thomas F van Laan. In referring to the general premise of Everyman, he contends of the writer that â€Å"His speech is essentially negative; he focuses solely on the inevitability of death and the destructiveness of sin†. Simply put, Mr. van Laan is stating that at first, the sole purpose of this work appears to emphasize specifically on death and how mankind should feel only sorrow for anything that they do, which goes against the teachings of Christianity. Another criticism of this work which Mr. van Laan refers to is the point in the beginning when God first speaks. Mr. Van Laan states: â€Å"Gods words are wholly negative in force, implying only the difficulty to come, omitting any indication of hope for mankind†. Mr. van Laan is voicing this criticism on the opening section of the play, fundamentally about how he considers Gods words to be too negative in their approach. In expressing this condemnation, Mr. van Laan is adamant about his beliefs that God would probably not be so disconcerting in his approach to dealing with mankind. However not all that Mr. vanShow MoreRelatedEvery man1649 Words   |  7 Pages Everyman faces Death James M. Burnett Liberty University Outline Thesis Statement: Everyman is a play that is deeply tied to the human condition. The author had a perception death and a direction of death that they wanted to share with the world. I aim to show and reveal the authors intention so that we may better understand death more. I. Intro II. Understanding the Author’s perception of death a. The time period that everyman was writtenRead MoreLife and Death Themes in the Sandbox and Everyman2715 Words   |  11 PagesLife and Death Themes in The Sandbox and Everyman COURSE # ENGL-102_D22_200940 COURSE TITLE: English 102 SEMESTER OF ENROLLMENT: D Fall 2009 NAME Glen MacDonald Glen MacDonald Professor Smith English 102 December 5, 2009 Research Paper – Life and Death Themes in The Sandbox and Everyman This paper explores the perception and treatment of death at points in history some 500 years apart by using two dramatic plays as a portal into their respective time periodsRead MoreEveryman and the Bible: Exploring Good Deeds, Faith, and Salvation2306 Words   |  10 PagesEnglish play Everyman about humans and their obsession with material items, riches, and wealth. Men and women, he feels, have taken for granted their blessings. God wants to reprimand Everyman for his sinful life and sends Death to summon him. At the beginning of the allegorical work where figures and actions symbolize general truths, a messenger shares God’s concerns. The messenger tells the audience to watch and listen closely to the morality play so they can learn a lesson about life. Everyman fearsRead MoreEssay on Dbq Mini Q Renaissance Hq Student Fi2066 Words   |  9 Pages Over the course of about 300 years , the Renaissance spread from its home base in Italy to western and northern Europe. The effect was like a sunrise making its way across the land. To understand the changes the Renaissance produced, it helps to review what European society was like before it arrived. The time period before the Renaissance is usually called the Middle Ages , which stretched from the fall of the Roman Empire around 500 CE to about 1350. During the Middle Ages, the Roman Catho ­ lic

Monday, December 23, 2019

Sigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology Essay - 980 Words

At the start psychology was not a science; it was ‘made up’. In pre-historic age it was believed any behaviour that swayed from ‘the norm’ was due to demonic spirits possessing the brain. Advances in treatments and medicine, allow us to recognise how barbarous this belief was. The progress of these advances was clear by the opening of the first experimental laboratory in 1879 by Wilhelm Wundt. Wundt’s establishment of psychology as an academic discipline exaggerated how obsolete the previous way of thinking was. His book defined the view that all mental experience can be understood as a combination of simple elements or events. These improvements have modernised into a simple definition – Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. In psychology four different schools of thought have developed to explore multiple thought based on the mind and behaviour; Psychoanalytic, Behaviourist, Cognitive and Biological. In 1896 Sigmund Freud (1865-1939) founded the psychoanalytic approach. Freud encountered patients suffering from a disease without apparent cause. He was the first to propose that psychological factors were responsible. Freud’s approach focuses on the unconscious mind with conflict. Freud published his psychoanalytic theory of personality in 1900, and also developed a form of psychotherapy called psychoanalysis (Gross, 2015, p2). One key feature of Freud’s theory was the development of personality. The first stage of personality is the ‘ID’; this isShow MoreRelatedSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology1222 Words   |  5 Pagesof Europe, an Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis named Sigmund Freud constructed an original approach to the understanding of human psychology. Prior to the founding of psychoanalysis, mental illness was thought to come from some kind of deterioration or disease rooted in the brain. The certitude that physical diseases of the brain induced mental illness signified that psychological origins were disregarded. Freud insisted on studying the topic hoping to change the way society thoughtRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology1283 Words   |  6 PagesSigmund Freud (1856-1939), is a pioneer in the field of psychology in various ways. His dedication to his field helped shape the minds of many nineteen-century contemporary schools of thought. Most notably, Freud’s work in psychoanalytic theory, according to Tan (2011) earned him the title of, â€Å"father of psychoanalysis† (p. 322). Moreover, Tan Taykeyesu (2011) report that Freud’s genius is not just in psychoanalysis, but also when we â€Å"think Oedipus complex, infantile sexuality, and repression†Read MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology942 Words   |  4 PagesSigmund Freud continues to be the subject of conversation in the field of psychology. The conversations seem to lead to Freud versus another imperative person in the field, such as B.F. Skinner. According to Overskeid (2007) most research articles focus on the difference between the two. Here the author takes a different approach, looks at similarities within the psychanalysis dynamics. The two agreed upon human predicament that people are controlled by forces which they are not conscious (OverskeidRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology1233 Words   |  5 Pages Sigmund Freud is the idealist that concepted the idea of verbal psychotherapy, Freudian Psychology. His theories of psychoanalysis are based upon understand the unconscious mind. His ideals portray that there are three key components that are responsible for a human beings personality. These compon ents include id, ego and superego. Freud s major contributions to todays society and study of psychology are his theories on the unconscious mind, dreams, libido, infantile sexuality, repression and transferenceRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology1299 Words   |  6 Pagesand touch known as the â€Å"mesmeric pass† (Kirsch et.al., 1995). Psychoanalysis was introduced by Sigmund Freud. Freud conceptualized the mind, metaphorically, as an ancient, buried ruin which had to been unearthed much like an archeologist would unearth the treasures of an ancient civilization. Freud s influence can be traced from his hard core natural science background as a student of neurology. Freud s version of psychoanalysis had its predecessor in the work with hysterics conducted by neurologistsRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology Essay967 Words   |  4 PagesPsychoanalysis is an approach to psychology that was made well known as a way to bring for the unconscious to the conscious. It is theorized that the memories that we store in our unconscious affects us, and can cause neurotic behaviors. The approaches also include Analytical, Individual. Three people that worked on these theories are Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Alfred Adler. Each of these men approached psychoanalysis in both similar and individual ways, and have thei r own theories that will be furtherRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology And Psychology1073 Words   |  5 PagesLuwanna Perry Theories Counseling 06/27/2014 Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud is considered to be the most important figures in the field of psychiatry and psychology. His ideas about psychoanalysis were developed in the 1800’s but are still being used today in the mental health field (www.studymode.com). Sigmund Freud was one of the pioneers/innovator of modern-day psychology. â€Å"As the originator of psychoanalysis, Freud distinguished himself as anRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology1568 Words   |  7 Pages Freud Sigmund Yifan Wang Current issues in history Vanier College 2014-11-11 Freud Sigmund In the 19th century, people progressed toward a new era of scientific revolution with new inventions and technologies. Doctors find treatment to heal cancer and people lives longer than before. On the other hand, Freud Sigmund the Jewish psychiatrist offered a new cure to mental illness that individual suffers from (The European Graduate School, 2012). Although he may have the most of influenceRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Psychology Essay1215 Words   |  5 PagesSigmund Freud, originally a neurologist, is a well-known psychologist that developed the field of psychoanalytic psychology. Although he died in 1939 his theories and practices live on and many psychologists will still consult Freud’s ideas when faced with specific cases. Freud was a firm believer in the notion that sex and aggression is the root of motivation for all human behavior and many people agree with him, but one of his former collogues, Alfred Adler, would come to disagree with this ideaRead MoreSigm und Freud s Theory Of Psychology1939 Words   |  8 Pagesdevelopments in psychology that support the where our development into each stage come from. For starters there’s Sigmund Freud, a main contributor to psychology (neurologist), that believed there is a specific order in the stages of development. His stages are called Psychosexual Stages of Development. The Five stages include Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latent, and Genital. (As seen in Figure 1) These developments are more on the physical side to growing into puberty and so on. Freuds ideas are the first

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Twelve men Free Essays

Try and link views and values to the themes in the text where you can! Identifying views and values 1 . Identify three core views that you believe are expressed throughout ‘Twelve Angry Men’ 2. Write three sentences about these views using the sample below as a model Egg: Rose’s play challenges the audience to examine their own prejudice, exposing the dangers of prejudging, particularly in the court room. We will write a custom essay sample on Twelve men or any similar topic only for you Order Now 3. What does Rose value / condemn? Identify three qualities/concepts/ideas that you believe Reginald Rose endorses, challenges or leaves unquestioned in ‘Twelve Angry Men’. Justify your response. 2. Setting: Rose’s play is all acted on the same set: Analyses the imagery created by the stage directions at the beginning of the play (Para) Analyses the scenes that take place in the washroom. What is the purpose of this separate section of the stage? In what way(s) does it enable Rose to develop his characters (for example, what is revealed about their motives, attitudes and values etc) as well as our perceptions and responses to them? How does Rose use the New York skyline to reflect his views on the indifference humans can have to serious situations? (p. -4) What is the effect of the way that Rose confines the action of the play to the Jury room? How does it enable Rose to develop dramatic tensions throughout the play? 3. Characters: 1 . Provide character details for each of the twelve Jurors. You can choose to present your details in a comprehensive paragraph on each character, a character map or a chart. You should include: any biographical information: experiences such as: occupation, where they live / grew up the character’s personality and role(s) in the play: how they feel about the task, their reasons for feeling the boy is guilty (or innocent); their relationships, attitudes and values 3 – 5 relevant quotations for each character 2. Create a table detailing each Juror’s views on the guilt of the defendant. Chart how / why these change over the course of the play: Juror When swayed How swayed Evidence (look at stage directions in particular) 3. Now, discuss Rose’s view of each character. Is he sympathetic or unsympathetic? Admiring or critical? Affectionate or hostile? How do you know? Explain using quotes. Characterization: Characters views and values can be revealed through: Authorial comments e. G. Hat Rose reveals in the stage directions What the character says themselves How the character speaks – think specifically about the language the character uses and the tone they use What others say or think about them What the character does How their personalities and attitudes are revealed in their relationships How the characters attitudes and beliefs are challenged by others 1 . Choose three key moments in the text where Rose’s portrayal of the character reveals something about their or his own views and values. Outline this. 2. Find 5 stage directions relating to your character and explain their relevance – choose stage erections that reveal varied aspects of the character (egg: growth over time) 3. Create a word bank for this character 4. Write a succinct paragraph on how views and values are aligned with characters in the text. Remember to begin with a clear contention, provide explanation (about how the views and values are presented) and support with evidence from the text. (see example below to help get you started) For example: Rose depicts the Juror as a forceful and extremely opinionated man within whom can be detected a streak of sadism. He is hammerless and intolerant, and indeed, his lack of compassion is strongly contrasted to the humanity ND sense of moral obligation we find in Juror . This reflects Rose’s criticism of 4. Themes Complete a 200 word analysis of each of the themes below for the text as whole. Ensure you utilizes the TEE structure in your analysis: Topic: Introduce the theme and discuss the development of it throughout the text Explain and Explore: Give one or more strong examples from the text to discuss the overall theme e. G. Key events, reflections from Rose etc Evidence: Finally, use quotes throughout your analysis to strengthen your discussion. Racial prejudice justice and the Jury rationality and subjectivity ere pressure: the power of conformity civic duty(qualities such as honor, compassion, empathy†¦ ND the flip side of this: insensitivity, ignorance †¦ ) 5. Structure and language 1. Rose said: No one anywhere ever knows what goes on inside a Jury room but the Jurors, and I thought then that a play taking place entirely within a Jury room might be an exciting and possible moving experience for an audience. Discuss in detail the choices Rose makes to engage the audience in the drama of his play; to encourage them to reflect on their own prejudices as wel l as using the court mom to present his views on the importance of integrity and active citizenship. . Plot the tensions’ of the drama. What are the turning points? Where do they occur? Why? 3. Choose 2 Jurors and study the language patterns and choices. How do they speak to others? What tone(s) do they use? Are their word choices negatively or positively contacted? How does use Rose use their language to influence our reactions to them? Use examples to support your discussions. 4. Make a list of 10 stage directions, presented in sequential order, that show what is happening in terms of the physical action of the play. Explain their significance. 5. Make a list of 10 stage directions, presented in sequential order, that show what is happening in terms of the emotional states of the characters in the play. You could choose 1 character or various characters. If you choose one character, do not choose the character that you worked on in the group task. Explain their significance. 6. One of the key skills of this outcome is the ability to analyses the ways in which textual meaning is created. This means being able to identify narrative devices used by authors and the way structural and language elements contribute to a readers understanding of the key textual concerns. Some of the devices include: Narrative viewpoint Imagery (similes, metaphors, personification etc) Symbolism / Motif Tone / Mood – consider here Rose’s use of the storm, interactions / tension between characters Setting Colloquial Language Writers use these devices to shape our perceptions of and attitudes towards characters and textual ideas / themes. Find 10 literary devices Rose utilizes throughout the text and explain their meaning. Language / Literary Device (for example, symbol, imagery – simile / metaphor, use of setting etc. Textual Example (Quote) Meaning Created (for egg, how do we perceive character, what does it add to our understanding of theme, social context etc. ) 6. Differing interpretations 1 . For each of the following statements, find examples from the text that challenge or endorse the ideas presented – discuss why you chose them â€Å"[Twelve Angry Men] points up the fact, which too many of us have not taken seriously, of what it means to serve on a Jury when a man’s life is at stake. † â€Å"Numbered but not named, [the Jurors] comprise a cross section of American society†¦ Eire value for Rose is as social representatives rather than as individuals. † â€Å"What is uplifting is that Rose’s narrative shows the ugliness of racial prejudice, and then rational men turning their backs on this ugliness. The racist views do not hold sway for long. † Using the themes in the text, develop interpretative statements about the text that link two or more o f these ideas in one sentence. For example: Throughout his play, Rose critiques the oppressive and discriminative environment of McCarthy America, exploring the way some Jurors use the power of their rationality to attempt to sway others to share their point of view. Indeed, the 8th juror is aware of the effects and dangers of peer pressure and this is illustrated through his request to have the second (and possibly the most important vote) taken as an anonymous ballot (p. 18) At various moments in the play, the 10th, 3rd and 7th jurors do try to sway the vote to ‘guilty through the use of intimidation rather than argument. What can be interpreted is another clear message conveyed by Rose through his play is that this type of intimidation will ultimately be unsuccessful. Logic and reason do win out over endemic prejudice, but what the play also illustrates is that for this to occur, there must be voices who are prepared to hold true to their convictions. This is clearly portrayed through the contrast between the â€Å"[interrupting]† and â€Å"[shouting]† of Jurors 10 and 3 and the â€Å"[calm]† and reflective â€Å"[pauses]† of Juror 8. 2. What â€Å"truths† are revealed throughout the play? 3. Identify one character in the text that you are sympathetic towards and one you are critical of. Explain your reactions using evidence from the text. How to cite Twelve men, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Fantasy Rock Business Report Essay Example For Students

Fantasy Rock Business Report Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARYFantasy ROCK will be a small business that provides entertainment and leisure activities. We will sell a variety of foods and beverages. Our menu will contain many dishes. A large appetizer section, Steaks, Chicken, sandwiches, hamburgers, soups and salads will be our specialty. We will sell several types of beer on tap and in bottles. A few micro brews such as Fat Tire Ale, and Honey Brown larger will be kept on tap, as well as the cheaper larger brands such as Budweiser and Coors. Several large screen TV’s will be placed through out the cafe’. They will be playing an assortment of things. Our main TV’s will be playing rock videos that go along to the music we are playing. Others will provide sports coverage of big games going on. The intent of the big screens is so that as our customer sits we allow giving them something to look at. We want to provide them with entertainment. Rock music has an effect to energize and lift a person’s spiri ts. We want customers to enjoy themselves. A sound system will be installed to heighten our music listening. Fantasy ROCK wants to provide high quality sound yet minimizes costs. Purchasing a surround sound system by Bose speakers systems can do this. Fantasy ROCK has great potential to expand. Our biggest competitor is Hard Rock Caf?. How we plan to differentiate ourselves is we want to provide a more of a local business atmosphere. We want our employees to get to know our customers and welcome them by name as they walk in. The market in which we are entering is wide open. All restaurants are competition to us yet because of our atmosphere in providing entertainment and leisure we become unique. Currently Fantasy ROCK has no expansion plans. As profits come in and our business base grows future planning will be done. MISSION STATEMENTFantasy ROCK strives to be the premier rock music restaurant in Phoenix. Our goal is to be a step ahead of the competition. We want our customers to have more fun during their leisure time. We provide more television with ROCK videos and sports coverage than anywhere else in the Phoenix area. We provide a state-of-the-art Bose sounds system to deliver the highest quality sounds possible. We Combine menu selection, atmosphere, ambiance, and service to create a sense of â€Å"place† in order to reach our goal of over-all value in dining and the entertainment experience. OBJECTIVESFantasy ROCK has the objective of staying as a single store until sufficient funds have been created to open another store. The placement of the store is vital to becoming a success. The layout of the restaurant must be very pleasing to the eye and allows a sense of openness and visual ability to view several TV screens. The management of Fantasy ROCK will demonstrated its concepts, execution, marketability, and controls, and feels confident of it’s ability to replicate the restaurant once we choose to open a new store. The following objectives have been established:Have a single store operational by the year 2000 with a sequential time-line. Maintain high control of costs and operations be hiring quality management that will utilize computer records and data tracking. Keep food cost less than 32% of revenue. Keep beverage cost under 21% of revenue. Select only a location that meets all the parameters of success. Grow our single location to the $3 to $5 million annual sales level. Keep labor costs under 23% of revenue. KEYS TO SUCCESSThe keys to success in achieving our goals are:Product quality. Not just great tasting food but great service. Managing finances to enable better advertisement and growth of our customer base. Controlling costs at all times without exception. Instituting management controls to insure replicability of operations once we decide to expand. This applies to product control and to financial control. COMPANY SUMMARYRock and sports based themes—The Company will focus on themes that have mass appeal. This will include song selection, and sports game coverage. Many polls and surveys will be taken to gain a good basis of what music people want to hear. A simple comment card on every table will allow customers to place in song titles they want to hear during their stay. Distinctive design features—All locations will be characterized by spectacular visual design and layout. Each store will display a collection of sports and rock memorabilia. This may include guitars, sports figures, record albums, and billboard music listings, anything that appeals to the masses. High profile location—It is our main goal to pick and maintain a high profile location in the area of Phoenix. The location must contain key demographics, including traffic counts, average income to upper class income, and number of household, hotels, and offices within a 3-mile radius. We want to create a well-centered location that will allow us to gain a very large customer base. Celebrity events—Fantasy ROCK will be distinguished by promotional activities such as sports events, and music events on local stations. Low costs are always needed in promotion costs and local marketing is a key. ASU, businesses, homes, and parking lots will be area of distributing of flyers and promotion material. Retail merchandising—Each store will include an integrated retail store offering premium quality merchandise displaying the company’s logo design. In addition sports and rock music memorabilia will be sold. Quality food—Fantasy ROCK will serve freshly prepared, high quality popular cuisine that is targeted to appeal to a variety of tastes and budgets with an emphasis on reasonably and moderately priced signature items particular appeal to the local market. Quality service—In order to maintain our unique image we want to have extensive training programs and hiring techniques in order to provide our customers with the best service possible. Management will be constantly helping our staff with new techniques and watching to control old ones to make sure each time a customer walks in they feel at home, welcomed, and liberated from any outsides stresses. We want to provide a place of leisure and entertainment. COMPANY OWNERSHIPFantasy ROCK will be a Sub Chapter S-corporation. Two owners will hold 50% ownership each in the company. This will allow a limited liability for investors. There is a great continuity in a corporation. This will allow the life of our business to continue and grow. Lenders will be more willing to lend money to a corporation due to the continuity and legal protections. In a S- corporation all earnings go straight to the owners, this allows the money to be only taxed once producing higher profits to investors. Due to high legal content in a corporation a full time lawyer will be paid to help with these matters. Fantasy ROCK will be a company that can continue way into the future and has high potential for producing a profit. Fantasy ROCK’S goal to make a high quality product along with high quality service will allow it to expand and grow. Fantasy ROCK is all about our customers and put them first. Star Wars : A New Hope EssayThe two million dollar sales volume represents somewhat less than 50% of the revenue potential of the location. All sales forecasts and projections have the first year as their basis. The numbers were gained through a quantitative method of looking at sales of similar restaurants. Hard Rock Cafe, Chilies, and Five Star Sports Bar are the main companies looked at for sales projections. Sales 2000 2001 2002Food $1,026,242 $2,411,500 $4,497,000Drinks $998,276 $2,238,500 $4,203,000Retail $8,126 $9,045 $9,589TOTAL SALES $2,032,644 $4,659,045 $8,709,589Direct Cost of Sales 2000 2001 2002Food $329,013 $1,449,910 $2,548,980Drinks $219,561 $932,470 $1,584,660Retail $9,064 $9,064 $9,064TOTAL COST $557,638 $2,391,444 $4,142,704MANAGEMENT SUMMARYAn operational manager will need to be hired. They will have to have much experience and very qualified. Local job placement programs and such can be scanned for such a person. Other key personnel are the management of each organizational break down. These include finances and marketing. Michael McKee will lead the finances and Neal Schroeder will lead the marketing department. There is not expected to be any shortage of qualified and available staff and management from local labor pools in each market area. Organizational ChartORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTUREThe organizational structure of Fantasy ROCK is a great system to keep quality control and a uniform structure once Fantasy ROCK decides to expand. Each store is broken up into three main departments. An operations department, which will be lead by our hired manager, a financial department led by Michael McKee, and a marketing department lead by Neal Schroeder. Operations will include all the in-store activities. The manager will be required to keep quality control at its best. He/She will be in direct contact with all employees and in charge of their proper training so they can help with any problem. He/She will make sure costs are kept low and food is not being stolen or wasted. Finances will include all the balancing of accounts, payment of bills and salaries; he will also be in charge of taxation and loan financing. In order for money to be approved to be used for certain items it must go through Michael McKee. He will be in charge of looking where the money is going and where it needs to be controlled. He will work with the operations manager to gain back control of problem areas. He will watch and make sure all our sales percentages and labor costs are not rising above our pre-set quality controls. Money management is very important to our business. If we can control our money flow, then we can then bring in a greater profit and know where to place the profits to improve the company. The marketing department lead by Neal Schroeder will include all the sales promotions. He will work one-on-one with the financial manager to see what profits and what money we have free to use on marketing. It will be his job to use the money in the best possible manor. We w ant to have the best marketing strategy for the money we have set aside for promotions. The marketing manager can also work with the operations manager to see what items are not selling and what items need a promotion in order to get them moved out of the store. LABOR COSTSSalariesOur salaries will be mostly low income when our business first opens, but will have definite potential for increase. As in most food services, tips will play a major factor in our employee’s income. The head cook/waiters will earn the most (below the management staff), do to their responsibilities of training new employees, and overseeing others, while they attend to their own responsibilities. Most of our jobs, with the exception of trainers and cooks, will require little or no previous experience. Initially, our company will make enough money to pay low salaries, but once we have covered our start up costs, higher pay, and more benefits will be offered. Waiter/Waitress $3.00+/hr + tips 16k-20k/yrBartender $8.75+/hr 20k-24k/yrHost/Hostess $6.25+/hr 18k-22k/yrTrainer/Head $12.25+/hr 32k-36k/hrCook $9.75/hr 30k-34k/yrOperations MGR TBD 36k-38k/yrBenefitsThe only benefit currently planned would be an overtime pay increase. Other possible benefits in the future might include bonuses, paid vacations, and possible profit sharing. HolidaysWe will be open on most holidays, especially those when our business can generate more profit (i.e. Labor Day, New Year’s Day). On such days however, we may have limited hours, and our employees will be notified well in advance, so that any schedule changes can be made. We may also have to offer increased pay at such times as Christmas and New Year’s. Realistic Cash Flow for Fantasy ROCKOptimistic Cash Flow for Fantasy ROCKPessimistic Cash Flow for Fantasy ROCKBILL OF MATERIALSFood Item Quantity CostLettuce Four 5lb heads $6.89Hamburger 20lbs $23.45Ham 20lbs $25.68Turkey 20lbs $31.98Roast Beef 20lbs $28.78Ground Beef 20lbs $22.66Sausage 15lbs $38.98Hot dogs 144 packages $12.89Tomatoes 48 per box $26.89Pickles 5 gallon drum $4.50Onions Large Box 810 $8.90Green Peppers Large Box 810 $8.67Spices 2 lbs $3.98Marinara Six 1 gallon containers $18.76Soups 3 soups $40.89Tortilla chips Large bag (approx 1,500 chips) $12.45Ketchup 48 36 oz squeezers $17.89Mustard 48 12oz jars $32.56Steak Sauce 36 36oz bottles $23.89Guacamole 10lbs $35.86Beans 50lbs drum $12.87Olives 10 gallons $13.76Flour Tortillas 176 approx. $5.68Eggs Six dozen $13.45Ice cream 20lbs $20.76Pie filling 16 12 oz cans $27.99Pie Crust 144 crusts $32.45Hamburger buns 144 buns $32.87Hot dog buns 144 buns $32.98Pizza dough 40-50lbs dough $22.99Coca-cola 8 gallon box $12.45Dr. Pepp er 8 gallon box $12.45Sprite 8 gallon box $12.45Iced tea 8 gallon box $12.45Mug Root beer 8 gallon box $12.45Malt 4 lb box powder $8.65Chocolate syrup 2 gallons $3.65Cheddar Cheese 80lbs $56.98Mozzarella Cheese 80lbs $58.90Parmesan Cheese 20lbs $28.67Dressings 5,000 assorted $22.45Fresh Bread 6 loaves $3.75Macaroni Salad 2 gallons $27.65Potato Salad 2 gallons $12.87Pepperioncinis 5 gallon drum $25.67Salami 20lbs $22.98Pepperoni 20lbs $19.87Garlic 1 lbs $2.89Butter Large tub $5.67Computers Essays

Friday, November 29, 2019

McDonalds Financial analysis free essay sample

Liability?Business Strategy Analysis: McDonald’s Corporation is the world’s largest fast-food chain in the restaurant industry, serving on average 69 million customers a day. Their stores are corporate or franchised owned, with franchising being highly beneficial to their success by producing 32% of their total revenue1. McDonald’s is in a highly competitive industry with market saturation because of low barriers to enter. The industry competes on price, quality, and service. McDonald’s faces competition with full-service restaurants and fast-food restaurants in the area. Their main competitors are Burger King, YUM! Brands, and Wendy’s International. The industry has faced scrutiny on the quality of their products because of a more health concise society. McDonald’s strategy for success is based off of cost efficiency, product development, and marketing and promotions. These factors help form the strong brand that McDonald’s is today. Since their establishment with Ray Kroc, they have focused on driving their success from the 3-legged stool principal representing: McDonald’s employees, the owner/operators, and their suppliers2. We will write a custom essay sample on McDonalds Financial analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The stool needs all three to have a good balance in order to function, without either one of the legs success cannot be achieved. All three of them work together to create new products, to reduce costs, and to achieve outstanding customer service. There is commitment in helping all three legs of the stool to succeed. The suppliers play a key role by providing high quality products and forming trusted relationships with them. The franchiser represents McDonald’s by being in control of own operations. They are highly beneficial because they allow McDonald’s to grow at a much faster rater and in new markets to create a global brand. Also, economies of scale can be obtained by offering their products at a lower cost since it is a large scale. McDonald’s has implemented Plan to Win, which features five elements: People, Products, Place, Price, and Promotion, focused on the customer3. The five P’s actions make up McDonald’s brand and provide a framework for prioritizing goals. For People, they looked to their customers and understood patterns have changed with more snacking and drive-thru, thus they responded with products like Snack wraps, and a reconfigured drive-thru. The restaurants were renovated or rebuilt, also price and promotion through the dollar menu4. The Plan to Win is made of three pillars, menu innovation, store renovation, and an upgrade of the ordering experience, which help McDonald’s remain sustainable with their profits. McDonald’s responds to customer’s demands by changing their product line accordingly. When first founded in 1955, they focused on the quality of their products with a limited menu of burgers, fires, and beverages. McDonald’s has shifted this strategy by broadening their product portfolio, with the adaptation of salads and chicken5. Additionally, to compete with Starbucks and local coffee shops, they have launched McCafe, which features high quality coffee drinks. As well as, invest in their current stores of operations to make a more relaxed environment. They need to maintain a modern environment and stay relevant with food trends. The last pillar is to upgrade the ordering experience, which can be accomplished through technological advances with the drive thru and front counter. They can sustain profitable by following the three-legged stool idea, with all three forces working together and implementing the Plan to Win. As long as, McDonald’s continues to follow their successful strategy of a Plan to Win and the three legged stool their return on equity will not revert to its cost of capital. Accounting Analysis: The accounting method of McDonald’s is in compliance with GAAP and its financial statements are easily comparable to other firms with similar accounting policies. From McDonald’s financial statements, the key accounting policies include consolidation, revenue recognition, advertising costs, property and equipment, goodwill, and long-lived assets. The consolidated financial statements include company and subsidiaries, and the consolidation is under equity method. A significant part of McDonald’s operating income is generated outside the U.   S, and foreign currency earned by subsidiary is translated to US dollars. McDonald’s revenue recognition consists of sales by Company-operated restaurants and fees from franchised restaurants. The revenue from Company-operated restaurants is recognized on a cash basis. Advertising costs are included in operating expenses and increased steadily from 2010 to 2012. Property and equipment accounts for a large amount in total asset and are depreciated over straight-line basis. McDonalds goodwill primarily results from purchases of restaurants from franchisees and ownership increases in subsidiaries or affiliates. Impairment tests are conducted for long-lived asset (include goodwill) every year. 6 Generally speaking, McDonald’s accounting methods reflect the firm’s business reality fairly. However, there is still some degree of accounting flexibility in McDonald’s accounting methods. First of all, property and equipment are depreciated or amortized on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life. Property and equipment is McDonald’s largest asset (24,677. 2 million out of total asset 35,386. 5 million for 2012), and McDonald’s could vastly overstate or understate income by using a different depreciation method. Secondly, the impairment practices of long-lived asset also have some flexibility. The amount of goodwill (2804 million for 2012) is substantial. Sometimes the goodwill will become impaired, and the impairment tests McDonald’s adopts will be very important. The company’s depreciation methods and goodwill impairment tests are very important in its financial statements for the numbers are so substantial. Thirdly, McDonald’s also has a lot of flexibility in terms of accounting estimates. McDonald’s adopts GAAP, which requires management to make various assumptions and estimates in different situations. Since estimation usually involves experience and judgment, the accounting methods could lead to some degrees of difference of estimated numbers and actual results. 7 To sum up, McDonald’s adopts accounting methods that are typical of the fast food service industry. The disclosure explains the accounting choices and estimates in detail, and the footnotes are very understandable. We do not find any skeptical information that was not reasonably explained in McDonald’s disclosures so it is not necessary to undo any distortions or restate the financial statements. There was no reason to undo any accounting distortions because we did not find any skeptical information that was not explained in their disclosures. Industry Analysis:There are about 200,000 restaurants in the fast-food industry. Generally speaking, this industry is highly labor-intensive and very fragmented. The top 50 fast food companies account for 25% of total sales. Quick-service restaurants operate through different channels such as national and regional chains, franchises, and independent operators. Besides, most quick-service restaurants use a point of sale system to take orders from drive-thru and registers. Due to the sluggish economic recovery, customers have been cautious about eating at restaurants. To attract more consumers, McDonald’s has to compete with other restaurants through the food quality, variety and customer service. Even though most fast-food restaurants specialize in a few main dishes, they still have to provide customers with a vast variety of products and healthier options to better build their brand images. In the meantime, the fast food industry needs to be convenient and fast to accommodate the fast pace of American lifestyles. 8 Five Forces Analysis: 1. Rivalry among Firms: As one of the leading companies in the industry, McDonald’s has a lot of competitors such as Wendy’s International, Burger King, Yum Brands Inc. , and Harvey’s. The competition in the quick service food quick-service restaurant is very intense. Even under economic recessions, the market will not shrink as much as other high end restaurants so the fast food industry is growing rapidly. 2. Threat of New Entrants: The threat of new entrants in the fast food industry is high because the barrier to create a quick service restaurant is low. In addition, franchise options make it easier to enter the market. The accessible distributions are essential among all companies in the industry, but they are not difficult for new entrants to attain. 3. Threat of Substitute Products: Firms among the fast food industry are competition with similar products such as hamburgers, French fries and chicken wings so the threat of substitute products is relatively high. The industry has tried various product differentiation strategies to make their products stand out in the market. For example, McDonald’ has its classic Big Mac, Chicken Nuggets and Happy Meal to differentiate its brand from other fast food restaurants. Bargaining Power of Customers:Since the switching cost for customers is nearly zero, the firms in the fast food industry have to conform to the society’s needs to retain consumers. For instance, McDonald’s is focusing more on the healthier menu choice to conform to the changing tastes of society. 5. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: The switching cost for fast food restaurants to change suppliers is very low. There are thousands of suppliers in the market for firms to choose from. McDonald’s has a huge bargaining power because it can make up a large portion of the supplier’s revenue. The barging power of suppliers is very limited. Financial Analysis: McDonald’s has been increasing their revenue and income, however there net profit percentage has been decreasing from 21% in 2010 to 19. 8% in 2012, which shows there expenses are increasing as well. Attached exhibit 1 has all of the numbers and ratios in more detail. Although, the net profit percentage has decreased it is still well above the S P’s average of 8. 9%. Their large profit percentage can be contributed to the strong relationships with suppliers, by buying products at a lower cost since the quantity is so large. Over the past five years for McDonald’s they have been issuing a high dividend that started off in 2008 at $1. 63 and in 2012 is at $2. 87, showing that they are a mature company. It is reasonable to assume that people would invest in McDonald’s based off of a dividend of this caliber. 9 The strength of McDonald’s compared to the S P average is strong, as seen with sales of $27,567 million to the S P average of $19,937. McDonald’s has high earnings per share at $5. 36 with the average at $3. 19, the different is contributed to the high net profit McDonald’s has. Additionally, the beta for McDonald’s is low at 0. 38 with the S P average of 1. 18. This is reasonable considering the industry and brand of the company because they have strong clientele and the food service industry is a need for customers. They have not been successful in all areas of operation. For example, McDonald’s main competitor is Yum! Brands, Inc. who operates franchise, such as KFC and Taco Bell. They have exceeded McDonald’s market share in China. However, Yum! does have a higher beta at 0. 78 compared to McDonald’s of 0. 38, which results in more risk for the company10. The other competitors for McDonald’s are Wendy’s and Burger King, which still are not comparable in size, as seen in exhibit 3. Wendy’s had sales of $2,505 in 2012 and Burger King had sales of $1,966 in 2012, this shows how much of a larger corporation McDonald’s is in volume. 11 Wendy’s has an extremely high PE ratio of 430. 5, which is attributed to a low EPS of $0. 02. 12 Lastly with regards to McDonald’s financial statements it is important to note their statement of cash flow. As seen in exhibit 4, they have positive operating cash flow, which means they are self-financed. This has remained consistent throughout the past three years with the most significant changes in their liabilities. They have increased their investing activity from ($3,167,300) in 2012 to ($2,570,900) in 2011. This is associated to the large renovations and new technology that McDonald’s has been implementing in their stores. Also, in the financing section they have continued to be paying a large dividend. Forecasting:We based our forecasts on two principle models; the eVal DataMaker by Lundholm and Sloan, exhibit 5 13 and three condensed models based on those described by Palepu and Healy in â€Å"Business Analysis Valuation† exhibit 6.14 The first condensed model used FY 2012 as a starting point; the second one adjusted for recent trends and the third model used average performance rates from 200 8 to 2012. Data was collected from Morningstar. com and occasionally from McDonald’s financial statements. Several assumptions were made for the expanded forecast, as shown in exhibit 7. The most important being the steady 2-3% annual growth in sales and the flat continuation of the CGS and effective tax growth rates. This ensured a very small but steady growth pattern on the Income Statement. On the Balance Sheet, working capital is assumed to continue growing at the same rate through 2016 and finally the dividend payout ratio is expected to decrease annually. Similarly modest assumptions were made to the three condensed models with the exception of the model based on trends. Past and current trends were more important for the forecasts than comparisons with other firms. While Burger King, Wendy’s, and Yum brands are all competitors, they have significantly different business models. McDonalds is a much larger firm, it has a greater international presence and it also invests heavily in real estate. Positive trends affecting the company include; the company’s shift towards healthier foods which should help expand the product line and attract new consumers, and its advances in technology. McDonalds is currently in the test phase for outsourcing drive-thru’s, which should accelerate service and reduce mistakes. The company is also looking to create remote call centers for customer service. 15 Potential negative trends include; international economic stagnation, an increase in local competitors, and negative publicity towards the fast-food industry. In the U. S. , McDonalds has also faced recent backlash for opposing minimum wage increases. The SP analysts also predict moderate growth for McDonalds but are slightly more optimistic for 2013 and 2014. They estimate total revenues will increase 2. 4% in 2013 but 5. 1% in 2014. Similarly, they predict growth in the U. S. will be affected by rising employment payrolls. They felt stagnation would not be global but limited to China and other Asian markets. There was also concern for rising food costs and fluctuating international currency rates, which would negatively impact McDonald’s international sales. 16 Other analysts predict 2013 revenue increases of 3. 7%17 and 2. 8%18 and 2014 increases of 7% and 5.3%. Overall, the key strategic drivers are business line expansions and macroeconomic trends and the most important changing metric is future sales. The forecasts and â€Å"hold† stock recommendations suggest McDonalds should consider adjusting its’ business strategy. As a company that has the ability to expand/contract rapidly and as a company that inv ests heavily in real estate, one suggestion might be to focus on building in developing economies. These areas would have rapidly appreciating real estate, access to a relatively cheap workforce, and social environments that might be more amenable to fast food. In countries, which have embraced health food trends, McDonalds could look at partnering with local farms and use its large economies of scale to offer cheaper local, healthy product options. Valuation: Based on the opinion of SP, the fair value of McDonald’s is $88. 40. In that way, McDonald’s is slightly overvalued by $8. 97 or 9. 2%. In order to better evaluate the McDonald’s, we use two different valuation models to come up with the value: Discounted Cash Flow and Residual Income Valuation Model. Discounted Cash Flow: The discounted free cash flows model uses WACC to figure out the value. Our WACC for McDonald’s is 0. 07. The sensitivity analysis indicates that if the growth rate of WACC is changed, the estimate of the price will also change substantially. Under the DCF model, McDonald’s is valued at $69. 2, which indicates that the company is overvalued. Residual Income Valuation Model: The residual income value model sums up the current book value, forecasted residual income for the next 10 years, and the present value of residual income for next 10 years. The present value of the firm was calculated by using our forecasted earnings and dividends. According to the residual income model, McDonald’s is valued at $66. 11 so it is overvalued.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Whos to blame media or parents essays

Whos to blame media or parents essays What has the world come to these days? It often seems like everywhere we look, violence rears its ugly head. We see it in the streets, back alleys, schools, and even at home. In the light of the Littleton, Colorado Columbine High shootings, the debate has grown over how media influences children and adolescents. There are many statistics that undeniably support the theory that media causes violence in young children. The entertainment industry insists that their publications(including TV, magazines, Internet, etc.) are legal, guaranteed under the First Amendment. So, who takes responsibility for the crimes committed by juveniles. Is it the entertainment industry (for displaying conscious violence), the government (for lack of regulation), or the parents (for lack of control?). This paper will explore each in an unbiased view. America, the nation with the highest homicide rate in the developed world, has seen violence soar to epidemic levels over the past several decades. During this time there has been passionate and ongoing debate about whether there is a causal relationship between media violence and aggression in society. Contrary to some claims, the medical, public health, and scientific communities are in agreement that such a relationship exists. Extensive reviews of more than forty years of scientific studies have led researchers to conclude that the media significantly contributes to the aggressive behavior and attitudes of children, adolescents and adults. (Donnerstein, 1993) In fact, the 1982 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) reports, supporting the Surgeon General's landmark 1972 conclusions, stated that, "In magnitude television violence is as strongly correlated with aggressive behavior as any other behavioral variable that has been measured." (National, 1982) In 1985, the APA endorsed the Surgeon General and NIMH conclusions that televised violence has a causal effect on aggressive behavior. The A...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Stratigic Plan for Public Health Organization Coursework

Stratigic Plan for Public Health Organization - Coursework Example STRATEGIC PLAN FOR LAKE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Our Vision: Our vision is to promote and protect the health of Waukegan Illinois through assessment, policy development, and assurance. Our Mission statement: The mission of the Lake County Health Department is to promote and protect the health of Illinois residents through networking and collaborative actions that raise public awareness, build a constituency, and influences legislation and policies concerning public health issues affecting northern Illinois.   Our Values: We believe that services must be available without barriers. No resident should be turned away due to an inability to pay. We also believe in providing services in an environment of mutual respect, free of discrimination or any bias (Lakecountyil.gov, 2013). Our core competencies a) This department came into existence in 1956, established by referendum. Back then, it had a small bunch of people. However, today it boasts of over one-thousand professional assisting i n all aspects of health, with an approximate working budget of seventy-million US dollars. b) Of all the human service providers under the Lake County, we are the biggest, with a twelve member Health Board governing this department. c) Nationwide, we rank among the top six of all two-thousand, eight hundred and sixty four health departments at the local level. d) We are members under the Northern Illinois Public Health Consortium, an organization that serves the Chicago city and the Winnebago, Mchenry, Kendall, Lake, Kane, Cook, Dupage, and Will counties in terms of complex health matters. The Environmental Scan. An environmental scan is the systematic way of finding out and interpreting the external environment to know the trends and factors of change, and their likely impacts on an organization in the future. Economic aspects Increase or entry of new security risks will affect the ability to respond to emergencies. This will affect this department in that we may not respond to eme rgencies resulting from crime and health risks as we lack the training of responding to security risks. Global economic transformation on Health care due to advance in competition may find workers not adequately prepared for new work processes. Impacts of globalization of Health care owing to economic integration and liberalization of trade globally will mean that workers have to deal with more potentially dangerous diseases. Social/ demographic aspects High risk groups such as foreign workers, older and new workers will affect the workplace. This is because language and cultural barriers, lack of training as well as the work organization mean a possibility in increase of injuries or work blunders. The raising of the educational and general worker bar in qualifying as a health worker means injury rates will reduce because of better training and more workers that are competent. Aging of the American population will affect the workforce in that chronic injuries and illnesses may incre ase. In addition, older workers take longer to recover from such. Legal/ policy aspects Increase in the enforcement of health and safety regulations by the government means pushing towards greater compliance that will help in better competence and more output. Smoking ban in workplaces and public spaces means workers will no longer get exposure to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO ASBESTOS FIBRE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO ASBESTOS FIBRE - Essay Example The respiratory system is the primary portal of entry for asbestos into the human body. Therefore, like as it is relevant to understand the applicability of techniques and selected instrumentation for analysis of environmental samples, it is equally important in determination of asbestos content from biological samples. Based on its on its fibrous morphology, asbestos is recognized as being a pathogenically active dust. Once inhaled, asbestos has continuous influences on cellular, biochemical, and molecular events in the human body. These complementary stimuli in synergy with the fibrous morphology of asbestos can result in irreversible cellular damage and in some cases the development of tumors. Various countries have sought to deal with asbestos and public health through regulatory guidance documents. This is necessary since asbestos mixtures are frequently used in industry, particularly chrysotile with either amosite or crocidolite. Moreover, exposures to "contaminant" noncommerci al amphiboles are common in miners and millers of chrysotile, talc, and vermiculite in some geographical locations. Therefore, there has been an acknowledged risk when the person is subjected to the exposure of asbestos, and these risks are health risks to create potential health problems even years after the exposure ceases. To prohibit these there are regulations from different authorities, which ideally would ascertain safety by eliminating and minimizing risks for the workers. These regulations should be guided by this risk and risk assessment approach. In this critical review, an assessment of different regulations will be done to examine how far these regulations have been guided by the concept of risk to control occupational exposure of asbestos (Bartrip, 2004, 72-76). Review: There is a perceived need for this critical review for various reasons. Practically, exposure to asbestos is very difficult to characterize. Moreover, there is a continued debate since there is an important confounding factor to determine the aetiology of any particular pathology. A strict separation of minerals goes beyond "asbestos" but involves two separate classes of the amphiboles, which collectively make up a great percentage of the earth's crust. The amphiboles occur in both forms and are not fibrous and do not look like asbestos, although they are basically asbestos. For those that are not fibrous and termed nonasbestiform, the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ruled in 1992 that "available evidence supports a conclusion that exposure to nonasbestiform cleavage fragments is not likely to produce a significant risk of developing asbestos-related disease" (OSHA, 1992) Similar problem has been reported from the British areas, but from the point of view of causation of the disease, this appears immaterial which form of asbestos has caused the disease. The grouping of the three commercial asbestos minerals is usually supplemented by the addition of the three "noncommercial" asbestiform amphiboles tremolite, actinolite, and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Forecasting key financial variables in Shariah Based Financial Research Paper

Forecasting key financial variables in Shariah Based Financial instruments - Research Paper Example ique, yield to worst (YTW) to indicate the lowest expected yield, it was observed that a normalized value of 2.57% was at stake hence, investments were likely to yield 97.43% of the expected value at maturity. Based on 1-3 year investment and normal investments, balanced scorecard analysis Evaluateed that variable-income investment was much flexible but volatile to market shocks. On the other hand, it is observed that long-term fixed-income securities are much reliable but earn little income since they are not flexible. In the United States, the population of Muslims has increased dramatically since the past twenty years. Further, there are strong indications that the wealth of the population has also grown more rapidly. In turn, the United States has developed a market for financial and banking alternatives that are compliant with the Shariah principles, as well as the religious and moral law of the Islam. The concept of Shariah compliant or Islamic finance is typically based on the core tenets of the Islamic religion pertaining to property rights, economic and social justice, and distribution of wealth as well as its governance. Among the fundamental features of the Islamic finance system is the Prohibition of Gharar (ambiguous deals and contracts) and Riba that is interested (Kabir and Mahlkrecht 201, 74). According to proponents, Islamic finance significantly contributes to the global financial system stability. Apparently, the performance as well as the relative stability of the Islamic banks and financial institutions frequently originate from the unique features of the financial instruments they provide. The Islamic finance system insists on asset backing as well as the principle of risk sharing. This helps in ensuring the direct connection between the activities of the real sector and financial transactions. In this case, this paper focuses on quantitative forecasting and analyzing volatility of Sukuk financial instrument by considering benchmarking and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Examining God Of War Game Video Games Essay

Examining God Of War Game Video Games Essay God of War is literally based on Greek mythology and focused on protagonist Kratos. It forms part of a saga which is the series of God of War with the vengeance as a central theme. In this game, Kratos should restrict the God of War from destroying the Athens by finding the fabled Pandoras Box. In March 2005, God of War is released for the PlayStation 2 console by Sony Computer Entertainments. God of War is a Third-Person Camera game. In that the player controls the character Kratos in combat combination, puzzle game elements and plat forming. The player needs to navigate Kratos through a long series of tests, mazes and trials to reach goals. Kratos he travels across Greece in an attempt to kill the Ares. In PC and Video games, Third Person is a graphical perspective view from a fixed distance which is slightly above and behind the player character. Through this viewpoint players are allowed to see more strongly characterized avatar. It is most commonly found in action adventure and action games. General Discussion: God of War is again one of such games which made its entry. It is definitely more than just an excellent plat former. It is one of the most violent, disturbing and darkest games. The content and meaning of the game significantly exceeds the immaculately crafted gameplay. History of Greece: Basically, the Greece history is divided into six periods. 1. Accession of Peisistratus at Athens and Croesus in Lydia was from 776 BC to 660 BC 2. Peifflstratus Accession and Croesus to the repulse of Xerxes from Greece 3. Repulse of Xerxes to the close of the Peloponnesian war and overthrow of Athens 4. Close of the Peloponnesian war to the battle of Leuctra 5. Battle of Leuctra to that of Chaeroneia 6. Battle of Chaeroneia to the end of Alexander generation From Peisistratus to the death of Alexander and his generation, the five periods presents the historical drama which was capable of perspicuous succession. Adventures of Sicilian and Italian Greeks were interwoven. Occasionally, Introduced notices of Grecian political constitutions, poetry, oratory and philosophy. The Greece political actions had become degraded, after the generation of Alexander. Mainly the revolutions of Agis and Eleomenes at Sparta are instructive and affecting. Since then the value of Greeks belonged to them as individual preceptors, philosophers, astronomers, mathematicians, literary men and critics, medical practioners, etc. In ancient times of Greece, wars were very common. Greeks used to live in a small cities which has around100, 000 people in each city. Athens, Corinth, Sparta, Thebes used to fight with each other at their borders. Greece used to defend its cities from the invaders. Sometimes the cities within Greece used to fight together and sometimes they fight alone. Even Greece invaded other countries and took over them. The four main wars that occurred in ancient times were Trojan War (about 1250 BC), the Persian Wars (490-480 BC), the Peloponnesian War (441-404 BC) and the campaigns of Alexander the Great (331-323 BC). Later, according to Polybius, Romans took over Greece. Story of God of War Game: Kratos who is known for his brutality was once Spartan armies general. Only the mighty Barbarians finally defeated the Spartans. After a long fight Kratos was entirely defeated and his soldiers were brutally killed and were around his prone body in front of the Barbarian King. Kratos shouted to the heavens, when the Barbarian swung his hammer and pledged his life to Ares. In return he got power to defeat his enemies. At that time Kratos became Ares servant and with the power of Blades of Chaos he defeated the Barbarian King using these new weapons. However, these powers came at a price for Kratos. Being Ares servant he led his army to various victories. By following the Ares blindly he burned and pillaged a village. He murdered everyone within the local temple of Athena. In his rampage, he killed his wife and daughter unknowingly. When the Kratos realized his mistakes, he vowed vengeance on Ares. Ares explained Kratos how he arranged this happen to him, so that he will end up serving him. During the bodies of his wife and daughter were burned, Kratos was cursed by the villages. Later the burned ashes of his wife attached to his skin and made him pale. Since then he was named as Ghost of Spartans . Kratos helped Athena to defeat Ares in the God of War. Finally gods removed his pain and nightmares. Kratos was told about Pandoras Box by Athena which is an ancient artifact that will help Kratos to defeat a God. After entering into the Temple of Pandora, he had come across many challenges. He was killed by Ares after escaping from Hades. Finally, Kratos found the Pandoras Box and acquired its power which allowed him to kill his former master. Later even the gods of Olympus were helpless to erase Kratos memories from his mind as his crimes were so terrible. Despite the Ares death, he continued to get nightmares. He even tried to kill himself but Athena saved and offered him a position in Olympus. Later he armed with Athena s Blades in replacement of Blades of Chaos, which was lost when Ares had died. Later he ruled as a new God of War. Later, he descended to help his army to attack city of Rhodes. An enchanted eagle breathed life into the Colossus of Rhodes, and tried to steal Kratos power. It was Athena according to Kratos belief as he was early instructed not to go along with Sparta. After numerous attempts he drained his powers into sword and defeated Colossus as advised by Zeus. Zeus is the main culprit who was disguised as eagle in order to kill and send him to Hades. Gaia of Titan raised him again and suggested him to rebuild the sword to kill the gods. Later, he traveled to the Island of Fates where he comes across many challenges. Finally, he killed the Sisters of Fate which allowed him to go back in time when he was murdered by Zeus. Later Kratos will come to know that Zeus is his father. They managed to get once Athena died, but Kratos returned to Olympus with Titans by his side to kill the Gods. Game play: Kratos main weapons are Blades of Chaos and secondary weapon is Blade of Artemis. Four different attacks like Zeus Fury, Medusas Gaze, Army of Hades and Poseidons Rage are available. Also, the relic Poseidons is obtained. This allows the Kratos to respire even when submerged. During the final fight with Ares, Kratos uses the Blade of Gods temporarily. Rage of the Gods is a special ability which increases attack damage and temporarily provides invulnerability. When the enemies are killed, it will be recharged. In the game, Gorgon Eyes and Phoenix Feathers are Health and Magic upgrades respectively. Orbs are the other type of chests found in the game which are marked with a corresponding color (green, blue, and red). Green represents health, blue represents magic and red represents experience in tackling. By killing foes and destroying few inanimate objects, red orbs can be collected. It also has a quick-time feature that initiates when the player has become weak. Accordingly the player presses the relative commands that appear on screen. On minor foes, grab man over is available which yields red orbs. The presentation of Greece, depth of the challenges, simple fighting style, and the horrific finishing attacks will give you the best view of the action. The controls allow players to feel powerful, blocks, performing dazzling strikes, grapples and jumps. The sound and environments create the perfect setting for this game. On top of the fun factor, God of War is also a wonderful treat for the senses with its artistic version of ancient Greece. Once in a while every one game comes along that pushes the restrictions, that takes risks and innovates without losing the qualities that make so enjoyable God of War is one of those games. Kratos: In Greek mythology Kratos appears briefly to make impression towards them. He is not a nice guy. He is brother of Nike (Greek goddess of victory), Zeus (Greek god of rivalry) and Bia (Greek goddess of force). Four of them were first amongst Zeus. Though Kratos was god of strength, in modern times his name is probably most familiar as the main character in video game series God of War. Apparently the title God of War refers not to the character Kratos but to the Greek god of war Ares, who plays a role in the plot. Ares: Ares is God of War, son of Hera and Zeus and also the most powerful amongst Olympus gods. He was also an enemy of Athena. His Roman counterpart was Mars. Ares lay siege to her city Athens, out of his utter hatred and jealousy for her. Thousands of Athenians were slaughtered by the monsters that he awoke from Underworld. Zeus: ZEUS was the king of the gods, the god of sky and weather, law, order and fate. People thought of him as living on top of a mountain (Mount Olympus), and when he is angry he throws lightning bolts out of the sky at people. Zeus probably was not worshipped in Greece before the Indo-European Greeks arrived there in the Middle Bronze Age. He is an Indo-European god, and he is basically the same as other Indo-European sky gods like Jupiter (this is really even the same word: Ju= Zeus and piter means father) or Odin. Hes related to Indra, a Hindu sky god, the son of Dyeus Pita. ZEUS (Zeus), the greatest of the Olympian gods, and the father of gods and men, was a son of Cronos and Rhea, a brother of Poseidon, Hades (Pluto), Hestia, Demeter, Hera, and at the same time married to his sister Hera. Weapons: Kratos Weapon: Kratos main weapons in God of War are Blades of Athena. They are the same like Blades of Chaos which Kratos first received. They have the same abilities like Blades of Chaos at the end of God of War. However, in God of War: Betrayal and God of War II their powers of attacking are changed. Athenas Blades give off a yellow aura with Blue-colored Glyphs and are gold in color due to the godly magic emitting from them. Also the colors of weapons changes in different levels. Gods Weapons: The Blade of Gods was a stone and bridge built of metal in a sword shape. Kratos used the bridge as weapon when he becomes gigantic. At the last moment he killed Ares by using the Blades of Chaos forcefully removed from his body during his final battle. God of War Part 1: It was released for PS 2 by Sony Computer Entertainments. It is Third Person Camera game. Created by Ready at Dawn Studios, Santa Monica Studios. In this part, Kratos needs to stop the Ares from destroying the Athens city by finding Pandoras Box. Unlike other games, God of War focused on afterthought simultaneously maintained the action and adventure genre. Definitely, this is one of the best action and adventure games on the PS 2. God of War Part 2: In this part, Kratos, now the God of War, attempts to overcome the betrayal of the gods by seeking out The Sisters of Fate and changing his destiny. Mainly we can see lots of Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Themes etc which makes the game far more interesting. Also, a strong language has been used in the game. It was released for PS 2 and PS 3 console by Sony Computer Entertainments. God of War was admirable in most of the aspects. There was always a distance between the the games story and the player. There is no much improvements in this part compared to part I. God of War II has all most everything that gamers would expect in sequel. It is definitely one of the exciting and interesting PS2 games in the history. It has amazing graphics, interactive sound effects, intense fights and music. God of War Part 3: In this part, Kratos with his Titans force attack the Olympus to kill Zeus and Olympian Gods. Pandoras Box will be reintroduced in this part. It was released for PS 3 consoles by Sony Computer Entertainments. As in earlier sequels, even this part is full of graphic violence, hideous monsters and blood, similar to God of War: Ghost of Sparta. It has excellent action-packed set pieces, sublime combat, and epic spectacle. The God of War Collection produces a range of visual and performance benefits. According to NPD data collected in Nov 2010, more than 180,000 copies was sold in USA in less than two weeks. PS2 hardware emulation shots on top, God of War Collection and PCSX2 shots on the bottom. Three types of Third person camera systems: 1. One is the Fixed Camera Systems where the positions of camera are set while the game is created. 2. The Tracking Camera Systems in which the camera is continuously follows the players position. 3. The Interactive Camera Systems are the advanced and are well controlled by the player s. Some Examples of camera types: Fixed camera: Selection of shots in Resident Evil 2 that aim at creating tension. In the Fixed Camera System, the properties of the camera are set by the game developers, such as its position, field of view or orientation, during the game creation. The view of camera will not change dynamically. Therefore, the same position will always be shown under the same set of views. Example for this type of camera can be found in Alone in the Dark and early Resident Evil. The background on which they evolve has been pre-rendered, while the characters are in 3D. One of the advantages of this Fixed Camera System is that it allows the designers to use the film language. Infact, the filmmakers, can create a mood through camera work by careful selection of shots. Their cinematic qualities are often praised in such games. In Resident Evil 2 this techniques are used by Capcom in which the encounter between monster and Leon was introduced by careful selection of views that aim at creating tension. Tracking camera: The tracking camera follows the characters from behind. There is no need for the player to control the camera. For example move it to a different position or rotate it. In early 3D games such as Crash Bandicoot or Tomb Raider, this type of camera system is very common as it is simple to implement. But there are few problems with this type of camera system. As the player does not control the camera may jerk or end up in awkward positions when a character turns or stands face out against a wall. This type of system is not suitable when occluded by an object. Interactive camera: In Super Mario 64, the camera intelligently rotates to show the path, instead of staying behind Mario. This is an improvement over the tracking camera system. Some of its parameters like camera s orientation or distance to the character will be changed even while the camera is still tracking the character. The camera is often controlled by an analog stick to provide a good accuracy on videogame consoles. However, in PC games it is normally controlled by mouse. Best examples are Tomb Rider, Matrix, Super Mario Sunshine or The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. It is often very difficult to implement the fully interactive camera systems. Super Mario Sunshine faced many difficulties in controlling the camera and thus been argued by Gamespot. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was more successful and rarely needs manual correction. Super Mario 64 was one of the first games to offer an interactive camera system. It has two types of camera systems by which the player can switch accordingly. Except that it was partly driven by artificial intelligence, the first one was a standard tracking camera system. The system was responsive to the structure of the game level and thus can anticipate the change when required. For example, in the first phase, when the path to the hill is going to take left turn, the camera automatically starts looking towards the left by anticipating the players action. The second type allows the player to control the camera relatively to player position. By pressing up or down arrow keys camera moves closer or away from Mario, and by pressing on the left or right buttons, the camera rotates around Mario. Sound: Both sound and music are very well composed. This makes the game much more interesting and lively to play. In order to get a truly Greek feel, the score is provided. The graphics in the game are amazing on any TV. However, they are even better on progressive scan mode. Everything from semi-interactive surroundings to background details feels like a truly interactive world. Releases Awards History of God of War: God of War was released on June 21, 2005 in Europe and March 22, 2005 in North America and is also available in the PlayStation 2. God of War II was released on November 17, 2009 in North America. Both games are launched with up-scaled graphics and support for PlayStations. It was released in on UK 30 April 2010 Japan on March 18, Australia on 29 April 2010. God of War received the Game of the Year award from the Academy of Interactive Arts Sciences. God of War is ranked amongst the top 25 PS2 games list. It won twelve Game of the Year Awards. In 2007, it was named as the seventh best PS2 game of all time in IGNs feature reflecting on the history of the PlayStation. God of War (series): God of War is a video game for the PlayStation 2 and the first in the series God of War II, video game for the PlayStation 2 God of War Betrayal, video game for mobile phones God of War Chains of Olympus, game for the PlayStation Portable God of War Collection reissue of God of War and God of War II, premastered and compiled on a single disc for the PlayStation 3 God of War III, game for the PlayStation 3 God of War: Ghost of Sparta, a 2010 video game for the PlayStation Portable About PlayStation: PS 2 is a very popular console. It has thousands of games which are liked by everyone. We can opt to play LEGO Batman with family or sit for hours on hunting mythical deities in God of War. With DUALSHOCK 2 analog controller they all come alive. It delivers a sensitive gaming experience. Every action button has pressure sensitivity (up to 255 levels of sensitivity) and analog thumbsticks has enhanced mobility. Every PS 2 system has a controller and even we can use another DUALSHOCK 2 controller in order to play with friends. PS3 has in-built Wi-Fi and also can store huge amounts of data like game files, music, videos, photos and add-ons. HD movies at 1080p will be shown by Blu ray player to get pristine picture quality. Streaming movies can be downloaded by using Netflix. Conclusion: God of War is a revolutionary game created in the gaming world. The audio and graphics used in this game were extraordinary and eye-catching. The player feels as if he is the main character. No wonder it is ranked in the top 20 list. Even the storyline of the game is scripted very well. God of Wars greatest strength is fun. God of War is a perfect game, and also a great one. The game contains so much energy and confidence, so much skill and spirit. Anyone can addicted because of the action and detailed storyline. God of War is superbly designed and executed action adventure game that is the finest ever made.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Assisted Suicide and the Right to Choose Essay -- Euthanasia Physician

     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abstract: Religious or moral beliefs may prevent some of us from seeking the assistance of others to hasten our own death. But should we hold others accountable because of the standards that we choose to live by? With adversaries of assisted-suicide opposing the legalization of such acts, we are forcing our beliefs onto others who prefer peace and comfort at their time of death. As Christians, non-Christians, philosophers, teachers and laypersons, we all share one very key affiliation other than life and death itself. We are born with the "freedom of will", either by the Grace of God, or some other greater force. As such, it appears logical that we have some preconceived right to choose whether or not we aggressively seek death.   Throughout the centuries, there has been increasing debate regarding suicide and the acceptable reasons for committing such an act. Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and David Humes are just a sample of the many philosophers and theologians that have commented on this delicate subject - each with slightly differing views. For this essay, I will focus on assisted suicide as it relates to the development of acceptable standards that would be uncompromising to the beliefs and ideals of differing social groups. It is in this manner that I will attempt to outline some of the increasingly difficult dilemmas presented by this hotly debated subject. Do terminally ill patients have the right to choose death with the assistance of others? Do religious and political leaders have the right to intervene with a patientà ­s decision to die with the assistance of others? These two questions are some of the many about which this increasingly complex debate thrives. Society is often asked to answer each ques... ...on à ± The Second Year." Amy D. Sullivan, Katrina Hedberg, David W. Fleming. The New England Journal of Medicine. February 24, 2000. v.342, n.8 "A Right to Choose Death? Moral Argument for the Permissabilty of Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide." F. M. Kamm. Boston Review on the WEB. Summer, 1997. "Beyond the Call of Duty: A Daughter Reflects on the Meaning of Her Motherà ­s Suicide. Vivian Rothstein. Boston Review on the WEB. Summer, 1997. "Right To Die Denied" Online Focus(PBS Newshour). June 26, 1997. Books Uhlmann, M. (1998) . Last Rights? Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Weir, R. (1997) . Physician-Assisted Suicide. Indiana: Indiana University Press Shavelson, L. (1995) A Chosen Death. New York: Simon & Schuster Hamel, R., DuBose, E. (1996) Must We Suffer Our Way To Death? Texas: Southern Methodist University Press   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Art as Expression Essay

The question of what art is cannot be properly answered without asking why art is. Prior to the advent of the written language, art was used as a means of communication, and in some ways, written language is in its own regard, art. Art, then, must be an expression of meaning by the artist, or potentially by the client that artist created the artwork for, but this assumption is altogether too broad. Art is not exclusively a private expression because it is left open to interpretation by the individual who looks upon it, and as such art can then be categorized as the representation through a variety of mediums, of whatever the beholder or artist thinks it should be. Which poses a greater question – is something art if the individual who designed it had no intended message? Or visa versa – is something art if the consumer of the artform does not perceive any message? I was at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art about a two years ago, and they had some very abstract pieces on display, all of which brought forth in me at least some semblance of a response, except for a piece by Robert Rauschenberg, call White Painting [three panel], that began a philosophical debate between my brother and I because I refused to call the â€Å"painting† art. To me, there was no way to interpret the three panels of white, they were simply empty canvases that Rauschenberg sold for substantially more than he bought them for. No soul, or emotion went into the piece and as I understand art, that does not qualify as any more than a man playing a abstraction crazy consumer culture for the fool. To backtrack, art in my eyes is the true expression of an artist to the consumer, for the purpose of provocation; art has to make something well up in a person, even if it is not enjoyment, even if it is sorrow, or anger. Art is the way we have always talked to each other as people, and the pure aesthetic painters and songwriters of the last century do not produce art. Art is emotion and passion mixing into something for others to partake in; there is no private art, there is only art that no one else has applied their own perceptions to yet.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Assess the Significance of Henry Viii as a Renaissance Monarch Essay Essays

Assess the Significance of Henry Viii as a Renaissance Monarch Essay Essays Assess the Significance of Henry Viii as a Renaissance Monarch Essay Essay Assess the Significance of Henry Viii as a Renaissance Monarch Essay Essay Essay Topic: Poes Poetry Henry Viii was crowned in the early sixteenth century. during the Renaissance period. The Renaissance period reflects back on the fifteenth century Florence. Italy where the rise of spiritual doctrine. patriotism and involvement in the humanistic disciplines. humanistic disciplines and architecture was dominated in pop civilization. Henry Viii reflected these facets as a Renaissance sovereign. However his significance to the universe today was his influence in the birth of the Church of England. â€Å"In 1534 Henry Viii released the atomic bomb he had been flourishing for several old ages at the pope† as said by Imperato. This atomic bomb is in mention to the Henretian Act of Supremacy. a milepost of how Henry eight is conjugated as a Renaissance Monarch when looking at spiritual Philosophy. The Act of Supremacy was the act which officially turned the church in England to the Church of England ( as stated by Morrill ) . Henry was named supreme caput of the church. and England became a Protestant state. However spiritual doctrine wasn’t decently explored until subsequently when the Tyndale Bible was handed to the male monarch. Tyndale had translated to bible from Latin to English. which was a distinguishable axiom of Martin Luther. the reformist. Henry sentenced Tyndall to be executed for unorthodoxy. It was later that Thomas Cranmer ; Henry’s self-appointed archbishop of Canterbury said that the Bible should be written in English and that all church services should be celebrated in English besides. So when the Matthew Bible which was another English written bible arose it was rapidly adopted by the Church of England. . this was Henry’s first action in gaining spiritual doctrine. Jones provinces. â€Å"at first the church didn’t alteration. by all but name it was still Catholic† . Jones continues. † Tyndall was sentenced to decease for unorthodoxy although it wasn’t until Cranmer said that English Bibles were acceptable that another English version. the Matthew Bible was adopted† . Morrill argues that. it was Anne Boleyn who convinced Henry to let English Bibles to be used. She used her influence over him to legalize such Bibles. However in contrast Imperato states that it was a mix of the two members seeking conference about Martin Luther’s 95 thesis and its benefits on England. It is acknowledged that Henry VIII didn’t truly want the church to reform every bit much as members of his tribunal did at the clip. Where spiritual doctrine is a cardinal basis to a Renaissance sovereign so is the rise of a sense of Nationalism. Henry VIII explored the rise of patriotism in the signifier of the Act of Absolute Restraint of Appeals. This act was used to let Henry’s matrimony to Catherine of Aragon to be annulled. as it was a National ‘issue’ non a apostolic ‘issue’ and therefore should be dealt with at a national degree. The act perfectly annihilated any other court’s legal power or influence in an English tribunal instance. And so. England seceded from Rome’s power. going its ain State with its ain secure jurisdictional tribunal. Hence Henry’s Renaissance monarchy rose with a sense of single Nationalism. The rise of Nationalism was besides explored In The Field Of Cloth Of Gold ( 1520 ) . which was a really expensive meeting between Francis I’s tribunal of France and Henry’s English tribunal in the country of Calais. England’s merely occupied country on the mainland of Europe. The field was supposed to be an exciting set of merriment competitions to originate an confederation between England and France. Among the land lay collapsible shelters decorated with Cloth of Gold. which was a fabric of silk and fabric. but most significantly it was expensive as both sovereigns were seeking to outdo the other and really shortly the meeting turned into a grandeur lucifer between the two sovereign. The meeting did non ensue in an confederation being agreed to. However when Henry returned to England. he signed to an confederation with the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V who. two hebdomads subsequently opened war with France. The confederation between England and Spain was in itself a rise of patriotism as a military confederation was established in 1520 to beef up the impact of England in the Renaissance universe. Anderson provinces. â€Å"The act in restraint of entreaties truly plugged the already fuming relationship between Rome and England ( 1534 ) † Davis agrees by saying. England’s sezession from Rome truly was the beginning of a new state. with its ain jurisdictional powers merely appeared to itself. From this it can be said that Henry used to Act to raise England into going a state with its patriot axioms and powers. On the affair of the Field of Cloth of Gold Shelly provinces. Henry’s effort at an confederation with France was suddenly called to an terminal when the Field gave no consequences to what Henry was seeking to accomplish. Johnson continues Henry VIII’s efforts may hold failed with France. but Charles V was more than ready to open an confederation with England. The rise of patriotism is conjugated here by the fact that Henry extended his kingdom’s power by associating with the Holy Roman Emperor in 1520. Another of import cardinal constituent to a Renaissance onarch is an involvement in art and architecture which Henry upheld. an illustration of this is the Field of Cloth of Gold itself. The Field of Cloth of Gold was named after the expansive collapsible shelters made of such cloth which were showy. expensive but most significantly was an look of involvement in modern ( Renaissance ) art. The collapsible shelters were made with gems and gold yarn to give it a more grandiose visual aspect. As antecedently stated. the Field was intended to be the place of birth of an confederation between France and England. nevertheless such neer occurred. The Field was where very important persons from the English and Gallic tribunals operated for 3 hebdomads. The full juncture was one where each sovereign would take his bend at crushing the other on things that ranged from tilts to poetry and everything in between ; even the vesture that each king wore was a competition. each twenty-four hours both of them would be have oning apparels that out-did the apparels they wore the twenty-four hours before by tenfold. So alternatively of being a merriment juncture where a existent friendly relationship between Francis I and Henry VIII it was merely a dorsum and Forth competition to demo how rich and powerful each male monarch was. The humanistic disciplines and humanistic disciplines were explored in the Field by both sovereign ; dramas were showed daily. poesy was recited publicly. cheat was played and vocals were written. Henry even payed an esteemed composer and orchestra to play during the king’s dinner banquet. inside Henry’s impermanent castle. made of wooden beams with painted canvas that gave the full semblance of a brick inside and outside. Jones provinces. The Field ( oCoG ) was merely a outdoing competition of who was the better Renaissance sovereign. judged on what they presented in the artistic part of Renaissance axioms. From this it can be concluded that the Field of Cloth of Gold was merely an look of each king’s magnificence and how incorporate their tribunals were with the Renaissance and how affluent they were. In decision. Henry VIII can be seen as a important Renaissance sovereign by the look of the rise of spiritual philosophical reforms shown in the Church of England’s creative activity. Alongside the rise of patriotism and the development of the of the Humanistic disciplines and Human-centered constructs. All of which were cardinal constituents of the Renaissance. However the chief significance of Henry VIII today was his influence in the rise of the Anglican Church.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Cultural essay essays

Cultural essay essays Living two different life styles is not easy but it is a big experience of my life. From this experience, I have learned much the reality of life and which has made me strong from my heart. I lived in India for 14 years since the day I was born. The change in my life began when I moved to America. The first problem I faced was lack of English knowledge, but first two years of school had a big impact on my life with unforgettable experiences. Difference in culture, religion, and festivals helped me learn more stuff. Coming to United States had made me strong facing the problem, and gave me some freedom. When I came to America, I gave 100 percent of my attention into learning English. I knew only alphabets and greetings when I lived in India. I remember applying for English tutoring classes, in India, but didnt make it through because I could not say simple sentence like, Open the curtain. I asked my self a question, How and when will I learn English? However, before I knew, I could talk, read, and write in English because of the hard work that I put into learning English. I tried talking with my cousins in English, and they helped me correct my mistakes. I studied very hard and spent so much time to get extra help. A learned somewhat English by watching TV because it helped me understand the conversation between two people and helps me learn new vocabulary. Therefore, coming to America has increased my knowledge of learning new languages like English and Spanish. The first day of school in America was exciting and scary. I was excited to meet new people, see how the school system worked, and I wanted to know what kind of class, and teachers I would have. It was the first time I had ever ridden on the bus. When I was in India, I went to school on my bicycle. I did not like the idea of not wearing uniforms because I did not know the fashion trend. I was afraid that people woul...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Death Penalty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Death Penalty - Research Paper Example Cases can be located in Australia (New South Wales) under the 1997 Young Offenders Law, as well as in New Zealand’s Family Act of 1989 (Woolf, 2008). In 2006, John Pears, then 21 years old, was forgiven by the family of a victim for being involved in the death of their third-born, 22 years old, son, Peter Jackson (Marzilli, 2008). John was driving the car the two were in while seriously drunk after having a night out at a nearby club in their Columbus-located, Ohio, residence. The two were involved in an horrible accident and Jackson ended up losing his life. After various court deliberations, John was sentenced to 10 years in prison for driving under the influence and also causing the death of Jackson. However, it was later established that Jackson was the one that persuaded John to get drunk and forced him to drive him home while drunk. The victim’s family was left with no other option but to forgive John for the mistake. What I am trying to bring out by giving out th is case is that there are always two sides to a story. One might argue that John deserved a death sentence and nothing else, but he was not the main cause of the accident. This might be the case in the inmate in topic, as well. Therefore, it would be better if the victim’s family considered listening to the side of the inmate. Also, not matter the case, such an endeavor by the victim to approach one of the members of the victim’s family is totally an invasion of privacy (Gaie, 2012). However, there are lawful ways that the inmate could have tried so that the family could be aware that the inmate wants to talk to them. A legal means could be much easier and it would ensure that no wrangles came up the way they are now (Kronenwetter, 2010). With regards...The inmate who is considered to have commit murder was given a death sentence pleaded to meet with the family of the victim in order to explain the truth of the matter. It was as if the inmate was seeking the forgivenes s of the victim’s family. Now, as much as the victim’s family considers it an offence that the inmate even thought about approaching them, they should be aware that there are some laws, which allow the victim to make such a loom. I come from the same family and it is easy to understand what the members are going through after losing one of their own. Seeking to explain to the family what truly took place in order for them to have sympathy on the inmate will certainly not bring back the victim. However, some of the laws that the family should consider include restorative justice, inmate forgiveness and right to privacy. The family should be aware of the family group conferencing. The victim’s family is allowed to conduct a family group conference with the inmate since the victim cannot be incorporated in the meeting. Even though, such cases are normally prevalent in juvenile cases, it is permitted in such a matter because the victim is diseased and the family is the one filling the suite. Cases can be located in Australia under the 1997 Young Offenders Law, as well as in New Zealand’s Family Act of 1989.With regards to various theories of mortal, values and consequences, the family should be aware that the inmate is also human and listening to his or her views are the most considerate they can do.